WHAT IS RF (Radio Frequency)

Radio frequency (RF) skin tightening is a nonsurgical skin treatment to firm sagging skin. The procedure can give you a more youthful appearance.

How does radio frequency skin tightening work?

Radio frequency devices use safe levels of low-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate heat. This heat penetrates deep into your skin’s layers. There, it stimulates new skin cell production (regeneration). The treatment also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. These proteins give skin cells more strength and flexibility. As a result, sagging skin regains its firm shape and feel which can smooth wrinkles, tighten the skin and delay skin aging.

How long does radio frequency skin tightening take to work?

It takes time for your skin to produce new skin cells, collagen and elastin. You should see changes to your skin tone and appearance within two to six months. To get the desired results, your provider may recommend another treatment. Some people need two to six treatments.

Risks / Benefits

What are the benefits of radio frequency skin tightening?

Radio frequency skin tightening can give you the results of a facelift (rhytidectomy) without the need for surgery. Other benefits include:

  • Gradual, natural-looking skin changes.
  • Fast, relatively painless procedure.
  • Less expensive and invasive than cosmetic surgeries.
  • No peeling skin or scarring.
  • Speedy recovery with no missed work or activities.

What are the risks of radio frequency skin tightening?

Radio frequency skin tightening is a relatively safe procedure. You may have some mild redness and swelling (edema) after the procedure. These side effects should go away within 24 hours.

In rare instances, extreme heat from radio frequency treatments can cause burns

Who gets radio frequency (RF) skin tightening?

People who don’t want the extra expense, pain or recovery time of cosmetic surgeries may choose radio frequency skin tightening. The procedure:

  • Improves skin tone, texture and firmness.
  • Minimizes the appearance of sun damage.
  • Provides a more youthful appearance.
  • Reduces the effects of aging skin like wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin.

What does radio frequency (RF) skin tightening treat?

Healthcare providers use radio frequency skin tightening treatments for:

  • Body contouring.
  • Face, neck, arms and hands.
  • Vaginal rejuvenation.


It’s like a spa day for your face, where your pores get to party with a vacuum cleaner, a hydrating superhero, and a bunch of antioxidant buddies. It’s skincare with a side of sass and a dollop of hydration, leaving your skin feeling fresher than a cucumber wearing a face mask at a day spa. The world of beauty treatment is ever-evolving, and smooth, bright, and youthful skin is something all desire. Gone are the days when one would spend fortunes on facial creams, serums, or essences to get beautiful and flawless skin. Some adapt a regular skincare routine or go for monthly chemical peels and facials to make their skin appear perfect and beautiful. But such common facial treatments can burn your pocket, and visiting the spa can be taxation in your busy schedule.

Each session of HydraFacial involves four steps, each step designed to perform specific action using the patented device that resembles a large rolling cart with hoses and a wand with detachable heads. Unlike the traditional skin treatments, whose results vary on the skin’s condition, the HydraFacial provides even and consistent results on all skin types.

The HydraFacial treatment can last between 30_60 minutes, and the beautician would perform the following steps:

Exfoliation and Cleansing

The first step of HydraFacial is cleaning the facial skin and exfoliating the dead cells. The aesthetician uses the patented HydraFacial wand to gently clean and exfoliates the facial skin to remove the dirt and sebum while opening the skin pores. The normal facewash cannot remove the dirt and sebum that accumulates around the skin pores causing blackheads.

Chemical Peel

During the second step, your beautician would change the tip of the wand of the patented device to deliver a chemical peel. The purpose of the chemical peel is to loosen the debris accumulated deep inside the skin pores. Unlike other chemical peels that leave your skin with redness and irritations, the HydraFacial chemical peel is delicate and made from a mixture of glycolic acid and salicylic, both being non-toxic.


The third step of HydraFacial is extracting the deep pore debris, dead skin cells, and blackheads for the skin pores. The aesthetician uses a strong yet painless vortex vacuum suction with the HydraFacial device.

Hydrating Serum

Dentists in Petaluma also perform HydraFacial, and the last step involves the application of a soothing hydrating and antioxidative serum on the facial skin that also contains peptides and nutrients. The final step is done to make the skin detoxify and feel rejuvenated.

Once the four basic steps of HydraFacial are completed, the aesthetician can provide additional procedures as fills or light therapy to augment the HydraFacial. The process is very gentle to let you add up more treatments in your visit to the beautician.

What Should You Expect from a HydraFacial?

One of the most significant advantages of HydraFacial is that the treatment has zero downtime. You may walk out of the spa instantly after undergoing HydraFacial feeling fresh and cleansed. HydraFacial can get rid of wrinkles and remove dead skins.

To start with, you would need about 2 to 4 HydraFacial in a month for 3 months. The frequency reduces to one HydraFacial per month once you have established better facial skin health. HydraFacial works evenly on all skin types and provides consistent results. Unlike traditional facial spas, HydraFacial provides instant results, and you can experience the bright results immediately.

The Hydrafacial is a treatment that is suitable for all skin tones and requires no downtime. “Many patients report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment,”

Book your appointment with our esthetician at Unwind beauty lounge, the best facial spa in Frisco.


Lymphatic drainage is not only good for your overall health, but it can also benefit your skin too. Lymphatic therapy uses facial massage with facial tools or machines to make your face less puffy. It improves blood circulation, giving skin a healthy, radiant glow.

The treatment drains lymphatic fluid on the face and body. The lymphatic fluid contains waste and toxins that can make your skin look dull and puffy. The massage detoxifies the skin, which can help prevent inflammation and redness. This is suitable for oily and acne-prone skin.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and the movement of lymph fluids around the body. It can help relieve symptoms of lymphedema.

The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up.

Lymphatic drainage massages may benefit people with lymphedema, fibromyalgia, or other conditions.

Lymphatic massage aims to improve the flow of lymph fluid, which should reduce swelling. Massaging an area without swelling will make space for fluid to flow to those parts from more congested areas.

There are two types of lymphatic drainage:

  • Manual: A qualified therapist will perform manual lymphatic drainage.
  • Simple: Simple lymphatic drainage is a technique a person can use at home.

Anyone planning on learning simple lymphatic drainage should learn how to do it from a specialist. It is essential to know which area to massage and how much pressure to use.

Who can benefit?

Lymphatic massages can benefit people who have a buildup of lymphatic fluid. This may occur due to trusted Source:

  • cancer and cancer treatments that involve the removal of lymph nodes
  • filariasis, which is an infestation of the lymph nodes by a parasite carried by mosquitoes
  • some types of vascular surgery, such as vein stripping
  • burn scar excision
  • lipectomy, a type of surgery to remove fat from the body
  • infection or trauma in the lymphatic system
  • a buildup of fluid due to deep vein thrombosis
  • health conditions that affect blood flow to the extremities

Lymphatic buildup affects around 1 in 5 females after treatment for breast cancer.

According to a 2021 reviewTrusted Source, manual lymph drainage may also improve the quality of life in people with fibromyalgia.

People can perform most of these exercises either standing, sitting, or lying down, as long as they are comfortable.

Keep the following tips in mind during a lymphatic massage:

  • These massage movements should affect only the skin, so use gentle pressure and do not press hard enough to feel the muscles.
  • Keep the hands relaxed.
  • Do not massage areas with swelling or infection.
  • Do not massage areas of the body that have undergone treatment for cancer.
  • Drink extra fluids, ideally 2–4 glasses of water, after each massage to help flush the body.
  • During the massage, there should be no pain or skin reddening.
  • Do not use lotions or other products, only the hands.

Book your appointment with our esthetician at Unwind beauty lounge, the best facial spa in Frisco.


If you struggle with acne, enlarged pores, fine lines, wrinkles, puffy eyes, or dark circles, now is the time to pay attention. High-frequency is a device that increases oxygen to the skin. It stimulates elastin production and collagen in the skin to help solve many skincare concerns.

What Is High-Frequency?

High-Frequency machines utilize thermal current to treat acne, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, cellulite, and undereye circles. High-frequency devices oxygenate the skin and kill bacteria with contact. There are two types of high-frequency electrodes, argon gas, and neon gas. Argon gas is violet and is excellent for acne or oily skin. Neon gas has anti-aging benefits.

Considered one of the most effective devices on the marker, this high frequency wand produces an argon gas electrode to oxygenate skin, which as a result, safely kills acne-causing bacteria. It also helps boost circulation, minimize inflammation and redness, and prevents future breakouts. Additionally, the device comes with several attachments that can be used all across the face, neck, back, and scalp.

What to Takeaway From High-Frequency

There will be a significant improvement in the clarity of your skin when using high-frequency. However, only some estheticians and dermatologists back the treatment for breakouts. Therefore, consult your dermatologist before getting high-frequency to treat any form of acne, especially if you plan to use an at-home tool. High frequency increases oxygen in skin cells, improving the overall texture, tone, glow, and helps to treat acne problems. In addition, this treatment promotes collagen stimulation and elastin production, providing the skin a firmer appearance.

Book your appointment with our esthetician at Unwind beauty lounge, the best facial spa in Frisco.


Skin aging typically starts becoming noticeable around age 25-30, with collagen production declining gradually thereafter. By age 40, collagen levels may significantly decrease, leading to visible signs like wrinkles and sagging skin. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine can help slow this process.


Cell turnover refers to the process by which your skin naturally sheds old, dead skin cells and replaces them with new ones. It’s like a continuous refresh button for your skin, ensuring it stays healthy and vibrant. As we age, this turnover process slows down, leading to dullness and rough texture. That’s why exfoliation, good skincare and products that promote cell turnover are essential for maintaining youthful-looking skin.


Below we suggest proven ways – including skincare products and treatments – which will give you instant results as well as other ways which will take time to have a noticeable effect. You can try these methods now to restore your skin elasticity and, ideally, ascertain what you personally need to address to improve your skin health long term; that may be using a better quality sunscreen regularly, adjusting what you eat, sleeping better, exercising more – and complementing these with a good skincare regime and treatments when your skin needs.


Don’t be put off by the mesmerising amount of skincare available – there are products with proven ingredients which stand out from the rest in tackling issues such as diminishing skin elasticity. Talk to us or another skin expert (your dermatologist, if you have one) to decide which skincare to start with. Some of the most powerful – those containing prescription retinoids, for example – need to be started gradually and prescribed by a doctor. These are things to look for:


The biggest aggressor to the skin is exposure to UV rays from the sun; daily protection is therefore essential for good skin health and in preventing premature ageing. Sun screen offer vital broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB (as well as visible light and infrared-A), protecting skin at and below its surface.


When your skin lacks moisture, it isn’t able to repair itself and is vulnerable to damage from free radicals in the environment. Using a good quality moisturiser will help hydrate the skin, keeping it supple and radiant, and enable it to fight back.


Given its essential role in the maintenance of skin elasticity, it makes sense to prioritize products which encourage collagen production. Skincare doesn’t contain collagen as such so instead look for the ingredients we mention which stimulate its production.


Antioxidants may be the unsung heroes of skincare. Using products with a combination of antioxidants – such as vitamins A & C along with coenzyme Q10 – your skin will build up its defence against damaging free radicals. They are easily absorbed by the skin, neutralise free radicals and improve skin elasticity and texture.


Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by your body and is an extremely popular skincare ingredient due to its amazing capacity to hold on to 1000 times its weight in moisture. HA Serums help amplify hyaluronic acid levels in skin to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and skin texture.


Retinol – a form of vitamin A – and retinoids, such as tretinoin, have been shown in numerous studies to be particularly effective in boosting collagen and reversing the signs of ageing. Over-the-counter skincare products contain small amounts of the ingredient but the most potent form is retinoids, available on prescription from. Using both topical retinol and vitamin C has been found to be particularly effective at improving skin elasticity.


Studies have shown that anti-ageing skincare containing AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and vitamins significantly improves the skin, including lines, wrinkles, texture, and elasticity, without significant adverse effects. The acid promotes cell renewal, stimulating collagen and elastin production to improve skin elasticity, minimise wrinkles and imperfections, whilst deep cleansing pores.


Used topically, dexpanthenol (also known as panthenol) acts like a moisturiser, improving hydration, reducing water loss, maintaining elasticity and softening the skin to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It also heals and protects.


Taking supplements may also help boost the reserves of the proteins your skin is losing as it ages, helping skin become firmer and fine lines and wrinkles less obvious.


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and provides many vital functions, including maintenance of skin health and elasticity. Given collagen depletes over time, you may like to try collagen shots, pills or powder.


Sometimes called the “fountain of youth”, hyaluronic acid helps skin maintain moisture. As discussed, topical skincare can help replenish your skin’s supply of HA and supplementation may also help add to your reserves. Studies show that taking HA orally inhibits skin wrinkles and improves general skin condition.


Genistein isoflavones – found in soybeans – are phytoestrogens and have also been shown to improve skin elasticity when taken orally (and also topically).


Before you have a treatment at Unwind Beauty Lounge in Frisco, book in to see our esthetician to discuss your skin concerns – loss of elasticity, for example – and which treatments and skincare will be the most effective for you.


Medium depth peels, such as the PCA Peel or Perfect Peel, combine various acids and vitamins to improve skin tone, texture and clarity, working at a cellular level instead of simply sloughing off the top layer of skin. These peels stimulate collagen production, giving firmer and more youthful-looking skin after one treatment.


Microneedling treatments – Dermaroller, for example – stimulate the skin in order to help it regenerate and repair itself naturally. Thousands of microscopic needle holes are made in the skin (without damaging it), prompting treated skin to produce new collagen and elastin and generate new cells in order to heal. Your body then regenerates and repairs the skin over time, working below the surface in the dermis to form new collagen, generate new skin cells and enhance the blood supply.


Radio frequency-based professional skin treatment devices, use various treatment methods, often in combination, to lift, tighten and brighten skin, stimulating ‘fibroblasts’ to make new collagen and elastin. They treat wrinkles as well as tighten and lift sagging skin on the face and neck. Particularly good for delicate and hard to treat areas around the eyes and mouth.


Hugely popular worldwide, HydraFacial’s all-in-one treatments offer non-invasive resurfacing and rejuvenation of the skin, combining cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection. A HydraTight treatment combines a HydraFacial with radio-frequency to tighten the skin (cheeks and jawline) by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Both relaxing treatments require no down-time and deliver immediately noticeable results, with more youthful, hydrated skin. HydraTight’s effects continue to improve for months after the course of treatments.


Intraceuticals Infusion is a gentle treatment which uses hyperbaric pressurized oxygen to infuse skin with hyaluronic acid and antioxidant serums, to plump, rejuvenate, hydrate and replenish skin.


Laser treatments can tighten skin and improve tone by sending heat deep into the skin without wounding the top layer, decreasing skin laxity and smoothing wrinkles. Non-ablative lasers heat the tissue beneath the skin to stimulate collagen production, removing the top layer to encourage new skin to grow as a result of the wound healing process.


Cosmetic acupuncture with natural-lifting massage techniques can help rejuvenate skin. Small, very fine needles are gently inserted into key areas of the face to encourage muscles to tighten, stimulating the skin to spring back and function as it did before. It treats the major organs of the body whilst simultaneously retraining muscles and stimulating collagen production to naturally lift and rejuvenate the skin.


To boost your skin’s elasticity, aim to eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamins A, B, C and E. Fatty fish, leafy green vegetables and nuts are beneficial, as are dark chocolate and green tea. It’s also best to avoid drinking alcohol (though a very occasional glass shouldn’t do much harm – everything in moderation!). Be mindful of your sugar intake too: excessive amounts can age skin prematurely as sugar in the bloodstream forms harmful molecules (known as AGEs: advanced glycation end products) which attack collagen and elastin.



Exposure to UV rays reduces elasticity and causes premature ageing so cover up. Use broad spectrum sunscreen to protect against UVA & UVB rays and antioxidants to prevent damage to your skin from free radicals.


If the outermost layer of the epidermis doesn’t contain enough water, your skin will lose elasticity. Water helps skin maintain moisture which increases elasticity so keep skin hydrated. Try the “pinch test” to check your hydration levels.


Eat mindfully, with a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C & E and omega-3s. Watch your sugar cravings: sugar in the bloodstream forms harmful molecules (AGEs) which weaken collagen & elastin.


Research shows that a lack of sleep disrupts your circadian rhythms and increases oxidative stress, damaging skin elasticity as a result. Try to put away your phone, iPad, etc early in the evening as the blue light also accelerates oxidative stress.


Increasing your circulation through regular exercise means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your skin – and this will show on your face. You can also enhance elasticity by toning your facial muscles.


Replenish your stores of collagen and elastin – as well as hyaluronic acid – as they deplete as we age and are critical for firm skin. Use supplements and skincare which boost your skin’s supply of them. Also try skincare with retinol to increase collagen and antioxidants to protect skin from free radicals.


Treatments such as micro needling, medium depth peels, radiofrequency RF, Hight frequency laser and PRP may improve elasticity, some immediately and even long term if done regularly.


Nicotine causes narrowing of blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin, impairing blood flow to the skin. The thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke attack collagen and elastin i.e. damaging skin strength and elasticity.

Book your appointment with our esthetician at Unwind beauty lounge, the best facial spa in Frisco.


Home care and esthetician work are both essential aspects of personal grooming and self-care.

Home care is like being your own boss of cleanliness, while esthetician work is like being a magician for your face. Both involve keeping things in tip-top shape, just in different ways!

it is important to remember that 80% of achieving healthy, radiant skin is a result of consistent home care, while 20% is a result of professional treatments. This is known as the 80/20 Skincare Rule.


Whether you have makeup on your face or not, you want to start your facial with a clean palette. This will ensure that you’re not locking in the dirt and products can sink in better.

A double cleanse is highly recommended: Start off with an oil based cleanser that will lift all the makeup and sebum on your face enabling you to wipe them away with a warm face cloth. Then proceed to use your usual cream or gel face wash. Cream based cleansers are more suitable for those with sensitive skin. Gel based cleansers are suitable for those with oily and acne-prone skin.

It is important to know your skin type to ensure that you are using the right products for you.


To steam your face at home there is no need to rush out and buy any fancy equipment. A good old bowl, some boiling water and a towel over your head will do the trick. You can even add some essential oils such as tea tree to the water for a calming and therapeutic experience. Tea tree is also known for its antibacterial properties!

Steaming is beneficial for your skin as it opens up your pores. Clogged pores are one of the biggest causes of breakouts so it’s important to deep clean them and remove all the dirt that could be trapped in there.


Now that your pores are opened up, you can begin exfoliating. Exfoliation helps scrub away at the top layer of skin, removing dead skin cells and enabling products to be properly absorbed into your skin.

There are three types of exfoliation and it’s all down to your preference which one you may choose to use:

  • The classic face scrub – usually containing sugar, salt, rice or groundnut kernel.
  • Chemical/Acid Exfoliant – Trust us, it’s not as scary as it sounds! Use a cotton pad to run this over your face as you would do a toner.
  • A powder exfoliant – These offer you the chance to mix them with a liquid of your choice – water, gel or oil and choose your own ratio of liquid to exfoliant.

Be careful when exfoliating as you don’t want to overdo it! It is important to remember that your skin is delicate and you don’t need to scrub too hard! If your exfoliator of choice is a scrub, go easy on the pressure as not to damage your skin! 


This is our favourite part of the facial! The mask you would use would depend on the issues you are hoping to tackle.

If you are looking to control oils then why not opt for a clay mask which effectively draws out the excess oil and impurities. Sheet masks, on the other hand, are great if you want to hydrate your skin, leaving a lasting glow and is great for calming the skin, reducing inflammation and redness.


Microdermabrasion originated in the 1950s in Italy, initially using abrasive materials like sandpaper. In the 1980s, machines with aluminum oxide crystals refined the process. It gained popularity in the 1990s for its non-invasive skin rejuvenation benefits. Today, it’s a widely practiced cosmetic procedure by certificate esthetician using various techniques.

What is microdermabrasion?

Don’t let the term “abrasion” scare you. Microdermabrasion is actually very gentle and is only mildly uncomfortable, if at all. There are two major types: crystal and non-crystal (also called ‘diamond tip’).

With crystal dermabrasion, a delicate handheld wand emits microscopic crystals as you slowly move the device across the skin, delivering a gentle, polishing effect. Whereas, a non-crystal wand will use a diamond-tipped disc to softly buff the surface layer of skin. Both methods feature a vacuum-like function to suck up dead cells, oil and gunk in the process.   

Microdermabrasion increases blood flow and oxygen while stimulating collagen growth thanks to the so-called ‘wound effect.’ When the stratum corneum – the top layer of the skin – is removed, the body interprets it as a wound. This kicks off a healing reaction and triggers skin to replace lost skin cells with new ones. As a result, microdermabrasion softens fine lines, smooths texture, reduces the appearance of brown spots, and brightens the skin after a series of treatments.

Smooth, clear, even, radiant… Everyone aspires to have a flawless complexion. While scrubs and beauty acids can be effective in unclogging pores, it’s the advanced treatments like microdermabrasion that deliver the best results.An efficient and non-invasive anti-aging beauty treatment beloved by celebrities, microdermabrasion is one of the best options on the market for exfoliation. The skin-polishing technology also addresses several other skin concerns, from acne scars to uneven texture, clogged pores and fine lines, just to name a few. 

For years, microdermabrasion treatments were reserved for dermatology offices and spas, but today you can find sophisticated handheld devices to use in the comfort of your home.

Who is microdermabrasion best for? Good news: microdermabrasion works for anyone in need of a deep, exfoliating facial. It also evens out pigmentation, softens acne scars, reduces the appearance of fine lines and brightens your complexion. If you’re in the early stages of aging, this is the treatment for you.

Is it safe for sensitive skin? Glad you asked. For those with sensitive skin, microdermabrasion is often the preferred alternative to chemical peels, because there are no harsh ingredients involved or downtime.

Anyone who should steer away from it? The procedure is generally not recommended if you suffer from skin conditions such as rosacea, active sunburn, herpes, or eczema. Those with open wounds, inflamed acne or broken capillaries might also want to skip microdermabrasion.

How long do treatments take? A single session at home might take around 20 to 40 minutes but it depends on the person’s skin condition and the device.  

What’s the ideal frequency of sessions? It depends on the person’s skin tolerance and condition at the time of treatment. It’s generally recommended that novices perform at-home microdermabrasion once a week for a month, followed by monthly maintenance treatments but it’s best to follow the instructions on your device and see how your skin responds.  

Does it hurt? Microdermabrasion can feel a little odd, like a scratchy tugging sensation, but there’s usually no major pain or discomfort.

Does it need downtime? Nope! Besides some mild redness, you can immediately resume your daily routine.

Are there potential side effects? The therapy can leave skin redder and more sensitive than usual in the immediate 24-48 hours following a treatment. If you have a big event coming up, give your skin a few days to relax.

Any post-treatment care? Avoiding direct sunlight and wearing sunscreen will help your skin recover faster. Avoid doing microdermabrasion right before your beach vacation.

What about post-treatment products? Since microdermabrasion opens pores, it’s best

to follow with hydrating lotions, serums or anti-acne products to maximise product penetration.

Do results last? Exfoliation benefits are instantly visible in terms of radiance and texture. After multiple sessions, you will notice more anti-aging benefits – think improved elasticity, less pigmentation and fewer fine lines.

Why we chose it:

  • Best beauty technology for exfoliation, instantly revealing brighter and clearer skin
  • Noninvasive, painless and zero downtime
  • Effective on all skin types and skin tones
  • Evens out superficial pigmentation, smooths fine lines and softens mild scarring
  • Helps to reduce congestion and control breakouts for acne-prone skin
  • Stimulates blood flow and boosts collagen production
  • Improves skin’s elasticity, tone and texture
  • Safe and cost-effective

Book your appointment with our esthetician at Unwind beauty lounge, the best facial spa in Frisco.